Thursday, December 23, 2010

Raw Food - Cure Your Dandruff the Natural Way

Most of us realize that our diet has a lot to do with the way that we feel. It is something that we have been told for the majority of our lives, eat your vegetables and make sure that you eat a balanced diet. Although many of us did not appreciate the truthfulness of these words whenever we are younger, we may begin to experience the truth of them whenever we have a number of different maladies. Believe it or not, something as simple as a case of dandruff may have a lot more to do with the food that you are eating than with anything else.

If you would like to be able to treat a persisting case of dandruff, one of the best ways that you can do so is by going on an all raw food diet. It is not necessary for you to stick with this diet for the rest of your life, just stay with it long enough to get the cleansing effects that will help the dandruff to subside and perhaps go away. Concentrate on eating fruits and vegetables all throughout the day, never really stopping if at all possible. You can also try a number of different raw food recipes which helped to make the vegetables a little bit more palatable.

Something that I do regularly in order to get more raw food into my diet is drinking green smoothies. They are fairly easy to make, simply mix two pieces of fruit and a large handful of greens in some ice water. Throw it into the blender and mix until it is totally smooth. The greens, being totally pulverized by the blender would be easily assimilated into the body. Many people start to experience a marked improvement in their health after only adding one green smoothie into their diet on a daily basis.

You might also want to consider adding water into your diet if you think you might be dehydrated. Drink half of your body weight every day in ounces of water along with taking some natural sea salt. Not only will this help you to feel good overall, it will also help your skin in amazing ways. By dieting and drinking water regularly, you may be able to combat the dandruff that you have been fighting for quite some time.


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