Friday, December 24, 2010

Car Insurance for Break-Ins

Break-ins can leave you feeling frustrated and vulnerable. No one wants to walk to their car to see the window broken, the glove compartment open and items strewn all over the front seat. Having to go through your mind on what could possibly be missing is difficult. Maybe the stereo face has been taken or perhaps other electronics are gone.

If this has happened to you before, you know the process. You should go to the police station. You will fill out a case report citing anything missing from your vehicle and its estimated value. They give you a copy of the report and send you on your way. Usually, the items never surface and you go on with your day.

When you are insured for break-ins, the process may go a little differently. Of course, you still need to contact the police and fill out a case report with items missing and their value. After you have completed this process and gotten a copy of your report, call your agent. You should have the case number handy.

Note that talking with your agent about the break-in may cause your rate to rise slightly. Because the company that insures you will see your vehicle as a bit of a liability to insure, they may need to charge a little more. However, the only way you can recover any money to take care of the damages is by talking with your agent. The agent will do their best to keep your rate low. Depending on your vehicle's history, they may see the event as random and not recurring, meaning that it will not likely happen again.

When you talk to your agent, ask them about your car insurance rate. They will be able to let you know whether or not it is likely to go up due to the incident. Ask when you are likely to see the rate hike. Chat with them about your homeowner's premium and whether you can expect it to rise when you turn in the list of items missing that are not covered by the car insurance. Your agent will be able to give you a good idea about your other premiums.

There are some other basic questions you should be prepared to ask your agent. What is covered if the car received damage? What is covered if there was no damage incurred? What is covered if the contents are never recovered or are damaged when recovered? You will also want to discuss the timeline of compensation. Ask your agent when you can expect to see payment on items stolen or compensation for replaced windows, locks and stereo equipment.

There is no easy way to deal with a vehicle break-in. When your automobile is broken into, it is always frustrating. However, with proper car insurance, it becomes a bit easier to deal with the clean up.


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